Infrastructure as Code

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Infrastructure as Code

with AWS CloudFormation


Why do you need something like CloudFormation?

Why else do you need CloudFormation?

  • Microservices are the new hotness
  • Smaller services
  • More, smaller infrastructure
  • PaaS


  • Consistency between dev, test, production
  • Multi-region
  • Reuse your work


  • Audit your changes
  • Apply security right everywhere

Automation is hard!

Declarative vs. Imperative

(or why not just script it?)

  • cross-references and ordering
  • execution plans
  • error handling
  • modularity
  • less cognitive load

CloudFormation Templates

CloudFormation Templates

Basic Structure (YAML)

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"





The Simplest Template?

This may be the simplest template that produces useful infrastructure!

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"

Description: >
  Simplest CloudFormation Template - An S3 Bucket

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

Provision with the AWS Console

Save the template file locally, then create a stack with it on CloudFormation

Upload a local template file

Provision with the AWS Console

Give the stack to be created from this template a name.

Name the stack

Provision with the AWS Console

Review settings and create the stack.

Review settings

Provision with the AWS Console

CloudFormation reports stack is being created. Note the stack description.

Stack creating

Provision with the AWS Console

The S3 bucket is being created

S3 bucket creating

Provision with the AWS Console

The stack is created and an S3 bucket with a generated name exists.

Stack created

Parameters, Refs, and Stack Updates

Let's tag the bucket with a purpose. We'll use a parameter to specify the value.

  Purpose: <---------------------- add a parameter "Purpose"
    Type: String

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        - Key: StackPurpose
          Value: !Ref Purpose <--- ref the parameter

Parameters, Refs, and Stack Updates

Parameters may be constrained, helping to catch invalid data earlier.

    Type: String
    Description: What is this stack for? <----- describe it!
    Default: MakingMoney <-------------- set a default value
    AllowedValues: <--------------- constrain allowed values
      - MakingMoney
      - Demo

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        - Key: StackPurpose
          Value: !Ref Purpose

Update Stack

Select the existing stack and choose "Update Stack"

Update a stack

Update Stack

Select new template to update stack

Select updated template

Update Stack

Set the new parameter value

Set new parameter

Update Stack

Review the "Change Set" specified by your update

Review change set

Update Stack

CloudFormation begins updating the stack

Update begins

Update Stack

Update is complete... review S3 bucket tags

S3 bucket has new tags

Stack Deletion

Before deleting the stack, put something in the S3 bucket.

Object uploaded to S3

Stack Deletion

In CloudFormation, select the stack and choose Delete Stack

Delete Stack attempt

Stack Deletion

We can't automatically delete a non-empty S3 bucket.

Delete Stack attempt

Alternatives to the Console

AWS CLI (documentation)

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name demo-stack --template-url ... --parameters ...


12 SDKs at time of writing


Terraform resource


Refer to parameters, as in tagged bucket example

  Purpose: <----------------------- parameter logical name
    Type: String

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        - Key: StackPurpose
          Value: !Ref Purpose <---- cross-reference


Refer to other resources

  MyS3Bucket: <------------------------ logical name
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
     LogGroupName: !Ref MyS3Bucket <--- provisioned bucket name

Intrinsic Functions

Compute values at deployment-time, like string joins

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
     LogGroupName: !Join ["-", [!Ref MyS3Bucket, logs]]

See also Split, Sub, GetAtt, etc.


Values that provided by context, used with !Ref

!Ref "AWS::Region"     <-- region stack is deployed in
!Ref "AWS::StackName"  <-- name of stack being deployed a few others.

Nested Stacks

CloudFormation's way of reusing and composing stacks

AWS Resources...

Nested Stacks

CloudFormation's way of reusing and composing stacks

...assembled into a stack...

Nested Stacks

CloudFormation's way of reusing and composing stacks

...makes stuff you want

Reusing our Bucket Stack

Our S3 stack can be nested without modification...

    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
      TemplateURL: https://s3.../01-parameterless-s3-bucket.yaml

    Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
      TemplateURL: https://s3.../01-parameterless-s3-bucket.yaml

Reusing our Bucket Stack

Our S3 stack can be nested without modification...

Creating a Nested Stack

Creating a Nested Stack

Creating a Nested Stack

Creating a Nested Stack

Nested Stack Usability Tip

Generated names are prefixed with stack context


How CloudFormation Works

Nested stacks show how CloudFormation works

Create request and response messages through nested stacks

Nested Stack Performance Tip

Prefer wide and shallow, not narrow and deep!

Nested Stacks

How to reference something in a nested stack?

Step 1: Define the value as an output

  ImageBucket: ...

    Description: User upload image bucket
    Value: !Ref ImageBucket

Nested Stacks

How to reference something in a nested stack?

Step 2: Ref the value from the parent template

  ImageBucketStack: ...

    Type: ...
      BucketName: !GetAtt ImageBucketStack.Outputs.BucketName

Cross-Stack References

Export an output value from one stack

    Value: !Ref ImageBucket
      Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-BucketName"

Import it into another with Fn::ImportValue


        !Sub "${ImageBucketStackName}-BucketName"

Cross-Stack References

Cross-Stack References and Changes

Cross-Stack or Nested?

Nested Stack Workflow
Cross-Stack Workflow

Nested Stack Problems

  • Opaque to:
    • CloudFormation Designer
    • CloudFormation Console
    • Change Sets
  • Unstructured parameters could be limiting
  • No libraries or dependency management for templates
  • Can't be packaged with the code they need

CloudFormation Designer

A boxes-and-arrows UI to draw or render a CloudFormation template

I would show you, but it doesn't work with YAML templates.

Verges on useless because of its limitations.

Change Sets

Announced last year, see what an update will do

Change set showing adds and removes

Save the change set to be applied later. Awesome?

Change Sets

Unfortunately, when you start using Nested Stacks...

Change set showing adds and removes

...many of your changes look like this.

Custom Resources

Provision all the unsupported things!

Custom Resources

Provision all the unsupported things!

for example...

  • Custom::SalesforceSandbox
  • Custom::PingdomPing
  • Custom::SlackNotifier
  • Custom::BleedingEdgeAwsThing
  • Custom::DatabaseMigration

Custom Resources

Handle create, update and delete messages

Custom resource messaging

Custom Resources

Updates may "replace" resources!

Custom resource messaging

Replace = create new then delete old

Custom Resources


  Type: Custom::PingdomPing
    ServiceToken: !GetAtt PingdomPingCustomResource.Arn
    PingTargetUrl: !GetAtt AppUrl

Custom Resources

Some tips...

  • Use standard resources where you can
  • Use libs to help write custom resources
  • Ensure S3 access in private subnets
  • Think about how to manage your custom resources
  • Implement with AWS Lambda, not SNS + EC2
  • Think idempotently and defensively
  • Be aware of PhysicalResourceId and "replacement" on update

Error Handling

CloudFormation will attempt to rollback on error

Rollback Failed state could occur if:

  • resource were changed outside of CloudFormation
  • IAM permissions prevent the rollback action
  • Limits prevent rollback
  • and many other reasons

Rare, if disciplined!

CloudFormation Workflow

Our Original Workflow

  • One big git repository
  • Several deployment shell scripts

Our Current Workflow

  • ~50 small "component" repos
  • Original repo is still there
  • CloudFormation everywhere

Components compose into an environment template that is deployed to multiple environments on demand

The Future... CodePipeline?

AWS CodePipeline supports CloudFormation artifacts as of Nov 2016!

  • Automated pipeline through deployment "stages"
  • IAM integration
  • "Release Change" functionality

CodePipeline Example

Example CodePipeline pipeline

Serverless Application Model

Simplified spec and deployment support for AWS Lambda-based applications:

  • API Gateway
  • DynamoDB
  • Lambda Functions
  • Event triggers

But doesn't work as a CloudFormation Nested Stack!

Service Catalog

Create "Portfolios" of "Products"

Lets you pack up CloudFormation templates so that IAM users can have push-button launch.

Blog posts suggest it's aimed more at larger enterprises

General Tips

  • Introduce CloudFormation as early as possible
  • Don't update CloudFormation-managed resources yourself
  • Have at least one test environment and test EVERYTHING
  • Integrate your infra code with your CI/CD pipeline
  • Keep infra code with the code it provisions
  • Organise your templates to group things that change together
  • Use multiple AWS accounts, one per "environment"

General Tips

  • Consider both Nested Stacks and Cross-Stack References
  • Be aware of how CloudFormation works
  • Use Custom Resources to provision custom things
  • Consider Terraform and other options for non-AWS resources

CloudFormation vs. Terraform

Feature CloudFormation Terraform
Rollback on Error Y n
Cross-Provider n Y
Execution Plan ~ Y
Managed State Y n
IAM Integration Y n
Open Source n Y



AWS Documentation

Other Resources


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